Like a fog rolls silently in from the sea
It covers everything so that you can`t see,
And the usurpers do exactly the same
It`s nothing but a cloak and dagger game.
But I can see as I have my eyes open wide
There is nothing they do that they can hide,
I watch and wait and read between the lines
Then I know just what are their true designs.
All sweetness and light is their disguise
And this deception I really despise,
For if they were truthful, people would see
Just how mean and nasty these people can be.
They have no courage to do an outward attack
They smile in your face and stab you in the back,
This is the only way that they can gain ground
If you could see you would be dumbfound.
They want to take over and rule the roost
Their status and ego they so want to boost,
They gather recruits along the way
And use them in a despicable way.
These silly people all want to get on board
They think it is good and there`ll be a reward,
They`ve been taken in and they`ve been wowed
They are blind they just follow the biggest crowd.
If they stopped to see just what`s going on
They`d see they`d been duped and they would be gone,
But some are blind and can`t see past their nose
But they`ll just learn the hard way I suppose.
So if you must then play your game
Tell me – do you not feel any shame?
I`ll not be taken in for I can see all
And your house of cards will soon fall.