Poetic Verses

About Sex

Many always tend to get uneasy, even will get vex

When there is an open discussion, about sex

The truth is its aura command attention, and really compels

And its association with any situation, makes it sells.

What a very powerful and also very strong force

Whose urges are very hard from ones feelings to divorce

This is demonstrated well, by any animal in heat

The behavior abates, when that special need gets meet.

How often it many people's spirits will be weaken

Willingly making promises just for that occasion

And more often, will just easily capitulate

But that, the state of the mind, it will most certainly dictate.

There are those, who can certainly use its power very well

And have the experience and expertise there to tell

Captivating and capturing many of those, in what they do

Using them for a time and afterward out they get spew.

Some say they cannot control themselves, or believe themselves fast

And it the workplace actions, can be deem to be what looks like to harass

This sometime may not turn out for them  be any pleasure or enjoyment

As it can get them fired from their place of employment.

There are guys, over a drink may sit and talk about conquest

Also reliving moments of performances, and also prowess

Whilst other may confess as they may want to save face

Saying that they resorted to enhancements, in order to keep pace.

So parents do not be amazed, bewildered, ashamed and even perplex

Sit down and have an opened discussion with the kids about sex

Listen to them, hear and see it from their perspective.

Then you can do any thing that will be considered reparable and constructive.

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