just thoughts 

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The room becomes silent as I sit;
The pendulum ceases swinging.
My grandfather's old clock stops;
Present moment; now timeless.

Slipping out of time/ space;
Unique, yet it somehow feels old.
Walking without a past or a future;
Present moment; now timeless.

Suffering needs time to survive;
As healing surges into my soul.
Without the need to justify myself;
Present moment; now timeless.

I sense the passion of the moment;
Romance captures my heart.
Stillness rests within me as balance;
Present moment; now timeless.

Seeking the truth within the moment;
My senses alive gathering information.
Forgiveness and gentleness are alive;
Present moment; now timeless.

Love, joy, and peace from the soul;
Accepting life with sweet surrender.
Not needing to be right any longer;
Present moment; now timeless.


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