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 Thoughts on Peace

Sitting in meditation, my thoughts are still;
My focus is centered on a peace within.
An unease grips my soul as I sit;
A discomfort in my heart.
Peace is attacked, then it is shredded;
Destroying all evidence that it existed.
I sit, searching for that rhythm
That was upset just a moment ago.
Stolen by worry and doubt about my future;
My peace cannot now be found.

Thoughts on peace.

Do I simply sit here and allow this destruction;
Or do I fight to recapture my peace.
I am thrown into a battle within my mind;
Worry attacks, presenting a macabre storyboard
For me to accept.
NO! This is just a projection of thoughts;
That bait that lures my peace into the trap.
Breathe… focused on the moment… breathe again;
My heart rate begins to settle… then another attack!
Sitting here now focusing on my breath.

Thoughts on peace.

As long as I stay present, the seed of peace grows,
Exploding from the fertile soil of the moment.
Worry and doubt stay at bay,
They have no place in the moment.
Within the moment is peace and creative reaction;
Breathe deeply… peace grows exponentially.
Anchored in the harbor of the moment;
My sails are prepared for the journey on the high seas.
Peace is my precious rudder;
Keeping me on course and in the moment.

Thoughts on peace.


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