Poetic Verses


This situation was for a long time causing areas some uncomfortable pangs
It's the increasing numbers, the lawlessness and sometimes terror of gangs          
Doing everything conceivable to assert them, but there is another problem
Is the manner in which they try to indoctrinate and even recruit the children?

There were place that often deny their presence or even existence
Brushing the behavior off as just a stage in the process of adolescence
But now this has spread like and epidemic, with casualties and mortalities
Now it has become a very pressing priority for the authorities.

Some members when question about why they chose that type of company
Responded by say there is the place they got comfort and a sanctuary
As they were living at home in an atmosphere that was so volatile
At least being there in the gang they felt wanted and could smile.

By why do they have to resort to such violence and aggression?
Believing that everything is theirs, and should be in their possession
Not having any mercy for the environment and those who are the victims
Feeling the sense of gratification for the terror they are creating.

Some gangs too have some form of what is an initiation
Which they have introduced in their membership program
So those hopefuls   are expected to perpetuate a crime
One that the hierarchy, conjured up; in that sick and evil mind
Their actions too cause people to migrate to another area
Cannot stand the fighting, harassment and state of terror
In some cases gunshots and there will be that that eerie feeling
Of seeing someone keel over in the street and profusely bleeding.

Some moments we feel proud of what may be considered progress
But this has sure put many of those emotions to rest
Have we foisted on the generation that feeling of entitlement?
But never prepared them for events; and situation that may be different

But who are what can be the ones to blame and be responsible
For cultivating and fertilizing this type of unsociable debacle
Have we fail, as a people, parents and by extension a society
Failed to identify those changes, and could not apply any the remedy.



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