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Once more a new fall season has started
Crisp cool winds blowing from the north
A steady honking is heard in the distance

Geese flying overhead in their formations
The leader's honking bellows in the air
He's directing their graceful movements  

Off to the West cheering can be heard
At the high school's 1st football game
Then the PA announcer yells touchdown

The crowd goes wild after they'd scored
The marching band plays the school song
It's the first touchdown of the season

I sit in my yard just a few blocks away
Smiling as I put a log onto the fire pit
The smell of smoke drifts lazily upward

My wife is working on her garden plot
It's very beautiful with so many colors
We will soon sit together by the fire pit

The kids are married and have their own kids
But we'll still keep up our own fall traditions
Enjoying the sounds & smells of a new Fall

Silently hoping that we can enjoy these days
Before another bitter winter sneaks in on us
Long before we are ready for all that snow

© Terry Sasek - Alwaysawarrior - all rights reserved.

It is the Fall season that I love best up here in Michigan,
with so many brilliant colors and sites to take in while
we're driving out to the local cider mill for cider and
donuts and to check out the local craft-shows in the area.
Yes!!! Fall is the best season of the year!!!


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