iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

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 (With Their Song)A Message For All
Who once was so full of life
is now like death warmed over.
All the energy is gone.
The warmth in her big heart
is just frozen in time
but has not turned her cold.
She still manages to show
love and compassion because
the good in others is preserved.
All sweet sally wants to do
is sleep deep enough to die.
She doesn't want to be
among the living.
She doesn't even want to talk
and that's not sally.
But if and when she's ready again
she'll talk through her poetry.
She won't listen to music anymore
any just makes her cry cause
she can't sing to it with faron.
She watches tv just to break
the deafening silence.
And only goes out when she
has to for food and staples.
She says you have your
own lives and problems
and is sorry for being such
a bother a burden.
If you get tired of her grief
she'll understand because
it will be on going.
But she is grateful for your concern.
And wants you to know
she hasn't forgotten you.
From Faith On Sally's Behalf

She showed me this sweet note from faron
and i told her i'd post it with my note
because it needs to be shared and known
that their love will last forever.
The world needs to know that kind of love
is rare but does happen.

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