Poetic Verses

Christmas Party

Having worked all year, giving of your best
Of course in the process there will be some stress
The bonuses, those presents at Christmas make you happy
But to round it all off, there was nothing like that Christmas party

Your joy was exponential, when you were made the party's planner
Of all the dreams you had, this one has to potential for the better
Because fresh in the memory, was the results of last year's one
As it was so well organized, that the planner got a promotion

This though now cause a very active mind to go into action
What else would crown the year better than that elevation?
So that need and now paying attention that very selfish greed
Has now negated all that hard work, which it now recede

How meticulous you were about the type of menu, for each plate
Getting the caterer to suite people's preference and palate
The drinks, the area for dancing and even the selection of music
Even those games, so the feeling was that the event will be fantastic.

That night, as expected the fete was so well attended,
How the face beamed as you were very well complimented
How well the program was fitting into your hidden agenda
This caused the forgetting of those who assisted at any hour

Everyone was having such a wonderful and happy time
All problems of the year was soon banish from the mind
As those alcoholic spirits pervade and invade the brain
Who would in such company past event s will retain

Therefore no one there did not ever have thought to consider
That there were drinking too much and had no designated driver
This was one of the safety measures that fell into the hands of the organizer
But being so preoccupied with the future you failed to remember

So my friends this Christmas have a good time and are merry
But remember think safety, and do all things quite carefully
Because alcohol may reduce that estimation as well as coordination
Resulting in yours and or someone else getting maim or destruction.

There whilst celebrating by partying and in the process drinking
If you think that you are drifting, take a moment for resting
Or this will be better, take along someone as the designated driver
This too could be for safety, get someone call for you a taxi
Or this could be another tool, get involve in car pool
Drinking and driving put you in danger, why put another road under your pressure

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