Salutations to Goddess Saraswati,
The embodiment of Poetic Word,
Who is pure like ice, and
Sanctifies like the flame of camphor
Who is resplendent like the full moon
Which downpours nectar,
Who is adorned with necklaces of pearls
And garlands of golden wax flowers
Hanging on her lofty breasts-
To Her I pray to attain the Speech divine
With Poetic splendor!
Salutations to Goddess Saraswati,
The protector of universe, who is seated
On a white lotus wearing a white
Shining apparel, and who is besmeared
With sweet scented unguents, anointed
With white sandal pastes, and adorned
With white glittering jewels, and
Who holds in her hands the universe
As a diamond lute, while the sages
Are singing hymns of praise-
To Her I pray to attain the Speech divine
With Poetic splendor!
© *2012* (Revised with graphics)
Copy Right @ viswabrahma
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