Poetic Verses


Many people may have said that they learnt many a lesson
Not from being in those hallowed walls of an institution
That they were most certainly accorded this privilege
Trough living and learning as they encounter many experiences

There is not a child who would not say that anger did come to the fore
When they think that their parents were a bother as they ask them to do a chore
Now later in life as at that moment they can now look back
Doing that chore them has now of their lives have that impact

What joy it was then to sit and have a chat with an older person
As it turned out they proved to be a source of valuable information
Because when that moment came to write that project
It was a blessing to have that bit of history to refer to it

Remember too, spending time in youth clubs and other organization
Serving on committee and even in some of the leadership position
Now today you are now the CEO of a multinational corporation
Those exposures of yesteryear can tend to make you feel comfortable in the position

How often many tend to shirt any type of responsibility
Very reluctant to commit to anything no matter how slightly
Then get thrust into such a position without any type of warning
Will be most certainly weight in the balance and of course found wanting

So learning we will crave, as it is a process from the cradle the grave
Information and the access to it seems more like our slave
Therefore the gates are always open in building of life's university
And those who never learn there are most definitely lazy.

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