Without The Cross No Salvation Is Given Us
The Cross is under attack can you not see?
The very symbol of our salvation Christ blood at Calvary
False religions are rising up deceiving humanity
The message of the Cross is foolishness to them perishing
The Cross and Christ Crucified is the center of christianity
To believe in any other doctrine is damnation into eternity
Through excepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour Only
By grace through faith are you saved by His finished works at Calvary
There is many religions and manmade traditions
That have created their own rules,rituals and regulations
A free gift from God through our repentance and confession
It's abiding in His Word that removes the curse and gives blessings
I've heard many speak of loved ones that has passed
Saying they were good with a big heart and just the best
Unless they excepted Jesus as Saviour they died lost
No prayers after death can redeem those that rejected Christ
However, ALL children under the age of accountability is saved
Including aborted babies and miscarriages Father God adopts in heaven
God gives grace to the humble but He resist the proud
It was pride itself that caused Lucifer to be cast out
None is good or made righteous by what we do
The only way mankind is made right is Christ in you
By no other name or way does man obtain salvation
Only by excepting Christ and believing in His death,
burial and resurrection
It says in the last days many will turn from the faith
Giving heed to seducing spirits that will lead them to death
Our only safety is abiding in Christ Jesus and to think on things above
For we're now living in perilous times the bible speaks of
The message is the Cross and Christ finished works
We're saved by grace through faith is the good news heard
The bible is our owners manual and we were bought with a price
Changing us from glory to glory to grow up in the fulness of Christ
The bible says ; Let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus
Without feeding on His word His thoughts won't be in us
His word tells us for our benefit to think on things above
We're to show mercy and grace that we will grow in God's love
His mercies are renewed each morning and where sin
abounds grace much more abounds
But without knowing His promises we can easily open the door for satan
to take us out before our time
For if we remain walking in the flesh we'll suffer loss even long life
If we sow to the flesh unto the flesh we'll reap,God's word is medicine
and directions for in Christ we're saved but only trusting in the Cross
and Christ crucified can we truly be set free
The more I study in God's word I see He does not want us to be in bondage
being under the law again that He has abolished
All ye who labour and are heavy laden He said come to Me and I will give you rest
We must trust in the Cross,and Christ finished works but because we trust
in what He did for us we will want to read His word to receive all the promises
He's given us
For if we don't abide in His word there will be gifts never opened up
God's grace through faith fulfills the law by His finished work at the Cross
That whosoever believes in Him shall be saved and not lost
We don't earn our salvation into eternal life it is a gift
Christians will stand before the Bema seat to answer for their works and deeds
Lovingly In Christ;Pastor Linda Begley
Posted 2-18-12