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I've paid my respects and honors here
To all those who've fought for freedom
They wrote a blank check to our nation

The value of this check had no limits
We had promised to pay the sum needed
That'd be determined at a later date

But with handing over this blank check
We also knew what those costs might be
We were willing to pay any price needed

For you can't put a price tag on freedom
To protect our nation and our citizens
That's why the check had been left blank

But I can also tell you this personally
From having been one of these people
Having faced all the dangers involved

We all were willing to pay any price
To guaranteed America her own freedom
Up to and including our lives for her

© Terry Sasek - Always A Warrior - all rights reserved.

With great Respect & Honor to my fellow warriors, veterans
and all who had paid for the freedom that is enjoyed today
I salute and thank each of you for having signed the blank
check to be paid to our nation and her citizens to protect
the freedom they have always known while growing up here
in America, especially those who had paid the ultimate cost
for freedom with their own lives so you and your families
would always live in freedom.  

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