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 JANET'S PLANET      467948 Poems Read

In Silence Monet

Young Girl Reading--Claude Monet Pictures, Images and Photos

As the young girl sits reading
Depicting the setting
Bringing each character alive
Setting the scene chapter by chapter
She is as much a part of nature
As mother nature herself
The book and her soft hands
Lay open quietly on her lap
The young girl gazes each page carefully
Taking in every word and phrase
Her mind travels to many distant places
Upon her head
She wears a flowery lace pink and white bonnet
A satin ribbon delicately tied around her neck
Her long flowing lace pink and white gown
The sleeves are long with dainty ruffles lace and pink flowers
Her gown elegantly covers the green grass
The sunlight barely shines through the trees
The tall trees shade and protect her
Flowers spread around her
Their shadows dance on her gown
She hears the chirping of the birds
Music to her ears
She takes delight in the cool gentle breeze
As she breathes in fresh air
Her calm peaceful face
Truly is full of grace
Her spirit is serene
In silence
The young girl sits and reads
As she blends in with nature

ŠApril 16, 2012 Janet Irene Griffin

Within us is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty, the eternal One.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

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