Our world as we knew it will someday be gone
The sin and rebellion has wreaked havoc all along
I feel so heavy hearted to see it's distruction
From those that don't care bringing in all the corruption
It all started many years ago by the fall of man
Yet Our Creator gave us a map and His plan
But as the years go by God's plan has been ignored
Mankind wants to do it's own will against what God warns
The laws that God put into place for mankind's good
Has been removed by ungodly leaders and voters too
Claiming to be christians but on God's platform they do not stand
While those that do have to continue to live in this now corrupt land
My heart is heavy and a blinded eye cannot continue to be
For our once blessed nation is falling apart as I speak
The promises of wealth and handouts seem to win out
For certain it was for that reason we're in a mess no doubt
That is known as the babylonian system that God truly hates
Surely many will recall the tower of babel for goodness sakes
His word gives us directions for blessings or a chosen curse
How does many know the truth but go against His sovereignty and word
We are His representatives to carry out His plan while here
If we don't speak out and speak up His message is clear
As it is written in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14
His wrath will be mighty to those that didn't take heed
I pray the Father above have mercy on us
For the multitude that has trampled underfoot His Son Jesus
For He came to earth and died to restore to mankind what had been lost
Yet mankind continues with their own plan ignoring what salvation cost
2 Chron.7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.