once upon a time

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Softly spoken, stealing quietly over us In times of troubles or joy 
A quiet word of  encouragement soothes questing minds.
No need to dance and shout it is only life.
Ride the carousel of today’s emotions.
Striding out or shuffling along recognize
The road you're on has softly woven threads.
Fold life gently into your plans.
Don’t let bitterness invade your thoughts.
Remember always there are softly spoken people in your own backyard
Listening quietly in your dreamtime 
you shall hear the sound of silence as it steals over you.
Take each day as a bonus to be shared in love and joy.
Avoid hatred and racism. Tread gently with softly spoken words, 
Aggression finds only like minded people.
Steal away. We can walk the road of life peacefully
Always there will be hiccups but deal quietly with life.
Let it wrap you up and hug you tightly on the road of life
You can  walk with softly spoken like minded people.

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