
Ghostly Footprints

                Ghostly Footprints   July 23, 2012

Ghostly footprints on the streets of our land
Walk beside them without holding their hand
If you walk with them you'll know what I mean
The spirits from the past still grace this land
Follow them until they stop, it must have ended here
You won't hear a sound, don't walk in fear
Those ghostly footprints, you'll know they're near
They will take you to those places of fear
They'll walk beside you, you'll know they're here
 The footprints walk will make you sad
Some of them walked alone to die
Some walked in fear to the end of their road
Fourteen of the footprints still walk in Derry
Three more in Gibraltar on that foreign shore
Ten footprints in the blocks with more at Loughall
At the four courts in Dublin, God Bless them all
At the docks where the boats left, the spirits despair
Ghostly footprints on the streets of our land
Walk beside them without holding their hand

          Gerrard McGeachy


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