once upon a time

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Here’s another one of those annoying phrases - wat-ya-ma-call-it.
Anyway it’s one of those daft phrases
But I'm asking a mate of mine to get me you know a wat-ya-ma-call-it
He said 'a what'?
Now I ask you, was it  such a difficult request to get me one?
I looked at him in disgust and repeated 'a-wat-ya-ma-call-it'
Bloody eejit hadn’t got a clue what I wanted.
So I said to him in very quiet and quite dulcet tones
Holy Moses, don't you know what a what-ya--ma-call-it is.
I’m waving my arms, gesticulating in a very voluble way.
 I’m sure you’ll understand I got up and got the cup of tea myself.
Now this is the really, really difficult part to figger out.
He looks at me and says
'Why didn’t you say you wanted a cup of tea?
Wouldn’t you think anyone with a bit of sense would know
what a wat-ya- ma-call- it is?

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