Poetic Verses

It's Bleak

As more countries get plunge deeper in that economic slump
There is no growth so there those hopes go into the dump
People are now getting even more to the point of being agitated
Because it seems as though their plight have not been considered

On the television one can see many people gather on the street
Angered because there is no jobs available for them to see
It is not sure how long they that anger will be contained
Because the situation is most certainly causing them great pain

Many will say that even though they are educated and well qualified
They need to pay those loan for the money borrowed as they studied
Having now returned excited and most definite charge to go
No prospects of employment as the economy is moving so slow

But how many times there is that hope, wish and that anticipation
That there may be a miracle bringing an end to this recession
But how many thing happening without sounding a warning some indication
That there will be some change that is coming over the horizon

We have seen the demise of many a small business large companies changed hands
Even mergers, hostile takeovers and structural adjustments are part of those plans
Because what is happening these situation is ploy that is quite obvious
Downsizing and layoffs are written into the business lyrics as well at the chorus

But governments by their pronouncements have added to the horrors
Because too for it security in office have created a culture of squander
It has by its action in its people created a certain type of climate
So now that there is this predicament it is hard to escape that state

Now they have decided to do something of which many will not be please
And that is to implement salary cuts or go the route of a wage freeze
Some were not happy but it is better to endure this decrease in inducement
Than to be added to the numbers in the population of unemployment  

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