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A man was journeying from Jerusalem - just any man 
He could have been like you or I - we are not told -
But - as he travelled - on his merry way  
He was attacked by a band of thieves.
People - who had no care for who he was -
Nor what his purpose was that day .
They only wanted what he had -
Today it could be - money - car - jewellry 
Anything of value - like a credit card or mobile phone -
But then - it may have been - fine clothes or wine -
Perhaps a donkey - or a bag of gold .
Whatever it had been - they stripped him -
Beat and robbed him -
And left him for dead - 
With nothing left -
When they were done .

And there he was - abandoned -
Hurt and broken - desolate - alone -Until -
Along his path -praise GOD - there came a priest .
Who saw the man - but in alarm - he passed him by 
What could he do ? - He could not help -
He dare not touch this man - or he would be unclean .
After all - he seemed as good as dead -
So who would know ?
No - he must pass on by -
He had a sacrifice to make - of great import 
He did not dare be late .
He had to go .

Later along the path there came learned man 
A scholar - of the Mosaic Law -
He too was far too busy - doing this and that -
So he could not delay .
And - like the priest before -
He turned - and went his way .

Then - when all seemed lost - along the path came a Samaritan .
The very word -caused a revulsion - and a frown -
As such were considered less than dung - 
The lowest of the low 
To the good people of the local town .
Outcasts - of disrepute - impure -
The kind that decent folk would turn away .

But as he came upon the broken man 
He stopped .
He didn't pass him by - that day. 
Instead - he got down on his knees -
And lifted up the wounded soul .
And bound his wounds - with oil and wine -
And loving care .
And placing him - on his own ride -
He took the man - to safety -
And a place of rest .
Away from danger  - far from there .

No matter what it cost - he said .
Spare no expense - just treat  him  well .
I will return - and so - ' til then  -
He turned and left - and went his way .
A better man .

Which - then is the good neighbour ?
JESUS asked those standing by .

The kind and good Samaritan - 
Came the obvious response .

Well - So be it  - 
Now go - and you do likewise -
Was the LORD's reply .


Today - so many religions can separate and divide .
So many different cultures - nations - ethnic groups
And tongues ....
But we are told that each man is made in the image 
of the Living GOD .
And in this small planet - we call Earth -
Each one could be a neighbour in our lives .
So - as we can - let us not judge - by colour -
Creed - or different tongue-
But - be as JESUS says -
A neighbour - to our fellow man .


I  have taken this poem from the story in the Gospel 
of Luke chapter 10 : 25 - 37 .. Another of the parables 

with love from S.C.Mitchell.



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