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( PART  2 )


And so - our two women started on their journey Back -
For Naomi - back to the Past - to Change - to memories .
For Ruth - forward to Change - to the Unknown - the Unfamiliar .
On they trudged - every step bringing them nearer -
To Whatever was in store.
Would anyone recognise Naomi ?
Would they understand - that she had to follow her husband ?
Would they reject her ? - Would they chide her ?
Would they scold ?
But - no matter  - Each step brought them nearer - to What ?
And Ruth came too -  walking carefully - watching Naomi .
Wondering - how it would be for them ?
Forgetting what lay behind - that was gone forever .
No good dwelling there anymore .
So they pressed on - into the future .
Two women - Alone .

But - for GOD .

On they trudged - each weary mile - bringing them back 
To Whatever lay ahead .
It had been said that there was bread in Israel .
So they trudged back - to Bread .
Then - dusty and tired - they came near to Bethlehem 
The very name means -' House of Bread  ' - Coincidence ?
No - GOD had - Bethlehem - in HIS plans .
And - HE was setting the pieces in motion 
Though no-one could see it yet - HE had a plan .
That one day - from The House Of Bread -
Would come the BREAD of LIfe - 

As the women wearily reached the edge of town 
Some women came to see who these exhausted travellers were.
Naomi ? Could this be Naomi ?  -  they exclaimed .
But Naomi - with her head hung low in shame - told them 
Not to call her by that name - meaning - Blessed of the LORD .
Instead - she bade them call her - Mara - Bitterness - and scorned .
Forsaken by her GOD - forlorn .
Oh Naomi - Just how little did you know .
How much -  you - still must learn .
That GOD- had Never let you go .

And so the couple settled down in Bethlehem .
To live as best they could - from hand to mouth .
Naomi sad - depression resting on her - like a shroud .
But - the season was the time of harvesting the barley  -
So - Ruth gladly offered to provide and work  - and glean .
And so it was she found herself - in Boaz 's fields.
Another - GOD Incident - though yet unknown to them .
Gleaning - the grain dropped by the harvesters .
Gleaning - what others left behind - discarded .
But - it would suffice - sustain .
And so - she bent her back - and gleaned .
Quietly - Unobtrusively - Meekly - Determined .
They would Survive .
Because - She gleaned .


( part 2  )

By Stella Mitchell .xx


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