It’s a time of decision!
A time to reflect!
A time to mark ballots!
A time to elect!
Whom shall we vote for?
Who is the best man?
If we do vote the Bible
We must take a stand
Against legal abortion…
It isn’t legal with God!
Against same sex marriage…
This is such a façade!
We must view the whole picture.
What is God’s future role?
Will we sell out our nation
To socialism control?
While choice is important
I can’t tell you which way…
But I do have to tell you
What the Lord has to say.
No one will be able
To view how you vote…
But God will be watching!
Will you ignore what He wrote?
His Word should be voted!
His commandments observed!
Because it matters to Him
How this nation is served!
Was it built on His precepts?
Gained strength in His power?
Endured by His principles
To even this very hour?
One thing is for certain…
That is each vote is a must!
So let’s be Americans…
For it’s In God We Trust.
Whomever the winner…
You and I must decide
To pray for that person…
Ask that God be his guide.
Maybe nothing will change…
Maybe everything will…
But whatever the outcome…
We must be Christians still.
Doris Jacobs-Covington
November 4, 2012
1 Timothy 2:1-2
I urge … that requests, prayers, intercession,
and thanksgiving be made for everyone —
for kings and all those in authority.
Romans 13:1: “Let every soul be subject unto
the higher powers. For there is no power
but of God: the powers that be are ordained
of God.”
1 Peter 2:13
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance
of man for the Lord’s sake.”
~~Author’s Note~~
Someone may ask why submit …Look at Christ’s example.
He put Himself totally in His Father’s hands, knowing
God was in control of everything. When He came
before Pilate, He didn’t revile—He submitted Himself
to that authority. He knew that Pilate had no power
but what God gave him, and that everything occurs
in accordance with God’s ultimate purpose
If we can learn this lesson of submitting to whomever
God puts over us in this world, it will tremendously
help us in our relationship with our heavenly Father.
It will, in fact, prepare us for the Kingdom of God.
Go out and vote for whatever you deem right…. Whomever
is elected will be fulfilling God’s purpose…whether this is good
or bad for this country.