~*`Welcome To 'My Never Ending Circle Of Love`*~... ..`By `Janie/mjfb1954` 
  `Princess Of Aloha`

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  ~*`HONORING PARALYZED VETERANS`*~ {AROUND THE GLOBE!} ********************************************************** God Bless the paralyzed veterans of America across our country We need to support the fight they gave for our freedom of bounty Courageously they defended our freedom that we enjoy today May they receive Blessings of Our Lord as together we pray. ~^~♥~^~♥~^~♥~^~ In the heat of battle, soldiers must rely on their buddies to survive Comradeship with love of God, Country and family helps in keeping them alive They rely on our friendship and brotherly love in their daily lives today Through friendship, we need to support paralyzed veterans not only in prayer, but in every other way. What does your friendship mean to paralyzed Vets? Louis Irvin `Executive Director `sums it up in One Word: ~:`FREEDOM`:~ "When you give to Paralyzed Veterans of America, you give paralyzed Vets the chance to live independently... to obtain the benefits they earned...learn new job skills... earn a good living...and raise a healthy family . You give them the freedom to receive quality medical care... participate in wheelchair sports...and make a significant contribution to society." Louis Irvin Executive Director So as you pray, give it some thought and please do whatever you can for these `brave `Men and Women` ~who have unishly given us the freedom we now enjoy~ by serving our Country with Honor! What do you see in your mind when you read the words: seriously disabled?` Do you picture a young man or woman in a wheelchair? Maybe you see a veteran with amputated limbs...a hero with a horribly burned face...or a veteran who is without speech, lying helplessly in a hospital bed,... But what about those Veterans who suffer in silence... those who carry the invisible wounds of war? To pass them on the street, you would never know they're terrorized..night and day by the horror of `Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) You wouldn't be able to tell they might never hold a job again.. You can't `see` the nightmares or sleeplessness and you wouldn't know the pain and confusion they suffer from Traumatic brain Injury (TBI) but that doesn't mean those injuries aren't there... THE TRUTH: more than 244,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have experienced a brain injury.. .even more young veterans now suffer from crippling mental illnesses like PTSD. For more than 110 years - since 1899 - VFW (Veterans Of Foreign Wars Of The United States)) has been there for Veterans who need help getting the justice they deserve..They are there for Veterans of every generation, of every war, who might otherwise just fall through the cracks! We also believe in honoring the service of all Veterans by flying the `United States Flag`,esp. on Patriotic Holidays and we hope you do too!   ~*`GOD BLESS AMERICA`*~ And `VETERANS OF ALL NATIONS` ~*~AND ALL OF THE WORLD!~*~ `In God We Trust! ~Thank-you for Caring~ Proudly Presented by: MJB ©*2009* *RePost*©*2012*NOV*11* *Re*Designed*:©*2012* `Mary Jane's Poetry` `Never Ending Circle of Love` `by: `Janie/mjfb1954! a.k.a.'MJB'

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