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Gregor Mendel stand in line for
lettuce leaf people
seeds sewn by science
surgery unnecessary
lost limbs regrown
like starfish
efficiency and production
by the tides of worker bees
improved into dolphin brained
one half of a brain sleeps
while the other half works
and keeps and keeps
the engine is chugging
universal soldier
universal citizen
see how the cogs of people now
strain and work
and stop being human beings
how they tend and tend
how they
stop remembering how to
self-initiate thoughts
engineers and marketeers of progress
I don't want what you offer
I'm passing on the the
GMO stew plot
still holding on for the simple
the original original
the self-initiated
not the re-invention
would you shake the hand of the caveman
if you had to start over
 to salvage what's human?

Copyright December 8, 2012 All Rights Reserved by this Author
Melissa A Howells Meloo from Tilt-a-World

edited the beginning to make this abundantly clear what this poem
is all about. not dieting (lettuce leaf people.) but the trans-humanism
movement...which has been going on in its various scientific and
philosophical forms for quite some time.

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