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 A Run On of Early Morning Consciousness
The jangle of collar bells
and the nibblings of cat teeth
in the golden bowl
are the lowly sounds that break
the silence of early morning.

The soft familiar is comforting.
The sonorous rise and fall
of my lovers orchestral snores.
The coffee pot too is sighing
as it does its morning chore
of modern day wizardry-
creating satisfaction and
orientation in a cup.
Mornings are for drinking up
and sipping slowly in.
Letting the finer details sift in
and melt away. A coming to of
consciousness as the finger-lings
of light penetrate the grey.

How I treasure my moments,
and all the molasses slowness.
The gentle nudge of morning
when I'm free to be unhurried,
when I could just as easily be buried
the blankets with my purring cat.

Him kneading me. As I need him and
the snoring of my lover chiming in.
As I need the simple silent
details that make up them both
and make
a run on
of early


Copyright December 21 2012 All Rights Reserved By This Author
Melissa A. Howells / Meloo from her.... Tilt-a-World

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