~*`Welcome To 'My Never Ending Circle Of Love`*~... ..`By `Janie/mjfb1954`

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~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ ~*`REPLY MESSAGE TO NOBODY`*~ ~*~♥~*~ ~Message to my friend~Nobody~ ~*~♥~*~ To my friend Nobody~ Who Really is Somebody Special to me! ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ I am sorry you felt you had to leave You did not give me a chance to tell you, I really want and need to let you know   Why sadness in my life keeps me so blue. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ I want you to know I understand your plight For reasons not of my making... I am prisoner of life too. My lifelong love now no longer knows me He is in the very same boat as you. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ I truly try my best to make him see That life is worth the effort of living free, He must not lock him into  depression But he no longer cares to see even for me. ~*~♥~*~ He's in a slaved world of his own making Not even knowing the love of his family Although surrounded by loved ones daily It still is not enough for him to feel free. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ If you happen to read this poem on my site Wherever you might be... ~ I want you to truly know, You are loved by strangers you may Not even know, One of which is me, I plead... ~ Please Do NOT let life go. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ We have a friend in Jesus, that's why He sent you to my site I know in my heart He truly loves you so, You say you prayed to Him for me... ~ for which I thank-you ~ So He is Someone Whom you already know. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ He does not need a name for you, my friend Nobody is Somebody in His Book Of Life... So please hang on dearly to life with passion, Turn to Him in prayer to ease your strife. ~*~♥~*~ I wish you luck, love and peace, my friend, My prayers are for you and all who cannot see Life can be beautiful no matter The circumstance it dealt you With God All Things Are Possible... Please call on Him for me. ~*~♥~*~ ~*~♥~*~ ~"I'm sorry my poem made you cry ~ but out of it... ~ You have found a Friend in Jesus" "Thank-you, Jesus~"Amen!"~ ~*~♥~*~ ~♥~"Friends are angels here on earth ~ who teach us how to fly when we have lost our way!"~♥~ ~*~♥~*~ ******************************************************************* ~ Original Copyright@2007~ ~*~♥~*~ 'Mary Jane's Poetry' ~*a.k.a.~`MJB`~*~ `Re *Post:`Dedicated to anyone who suffers with depressions of life! Retrieved from Draft Files` Audio Revised~©*2012*` `love&aloha hugs` `Janie/mjfb1954` ` +*`Re*Post*Mar*2013*`*+ In Honor Of Good Friday Of Christian `Easter (Resurrection) Holy Week! Call On Jesus`He Died On The Holy Cross To Give Us Everlasting Life! Blessings of Peace:Love:Hope: to all! Janie a.k.a.mjfb/1954 (author's note) This Reply To Nobody` was my answer to an unnamed person, using the term...`from Nobody`... contemplating to end his life, sending me a message in his way of `calling for help~ which I received in the year 2007. `It is well re posting for those who are in need of Love and Support in their lives in knowing that Jesus is Lord and Savior of all sorrows and tribulations, we may encounter in our life time while here on earth...however; we MUST call upon Him for deliverance! `IN GOD WE MUST PLACE OUR TRUST! `God Bless Us One and All!

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