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 Carol's Journey

Food Nutrition Labels

For years we have heard about nutrition
Food labels have so much information
How do we decipher what it all means
More than common sense so it seems

I grew up on the five major food groups
Grains, vegetables, protein, dairy and fruit
Whole wheat not white good source of fiber
Calcium from dairy so bones do not get brittle

I do not always eat the recommended servings
For sweets and desserts I admit my cravings
I have cut back and look at labels more closely
But by recent discoveries not enough evidently

When a friend told me about her similar journey
It was a shocking eye-opener and revelation to me
I never knew how much carbs in bread turn to sugar
Switching diet to mostly veggies has worked for her

My 12 hour fasting blood glucose at above 100 level
Pre-diabetic with past several physicals not lower
Increased feet swelling could be poor circulation
Lack of exercise and sleep other risk indications

My yearly physical is on April 24th this Wednesday
I want to discuss it more with my doctor that day
After a fever and flu-like symptoms two weeks ago
Could be glucose-related at women’s retreat I went to

I have been using a whey protein powdered supplement
But thyroid and breast cancer is a risk from soy content
Considered gluten-free bread and soy milk then read this
Now I am confused as to what diabetic options even exist

Starting to exercise more and get proper rest will be a process
But by God’s help with time and discipline I will have success
Eating habits can be even harder to change but I will press on
Step by step asking a dietician as needed until the battle is won

© Carol S. 4/20/13

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