Oh to have a switch inside my head
To stop me thinking thoughts that I dread,
An on/off switch and hey presto!
A simple flick and off it would go.
Just like when I go to bed at night
My mind and I have a mighty fight,
I want to switch off and go to sleep
But into my mind unwanted thoughts creep.
With the flick of this switch I could have peace
All my tormenting thoughts would then just cease,
I could turn the switch on and off like a tv
I`d be in control and content I would be.
No more thoughts running riot in my brain
Playing best forgotten things over again,
With these thoughts come the pain and hurt
This switch could help to make these become inert.
It`s enough to be tormented during the day
When I hear or read something along the way,
This sets the ball rolling and my mind takes off
But my mind is a torment I just can`t switch off.