Poetic Verses


There is just but a specific number of hours in a day
And the time really slips by so rapidly to one's dismay
But what is surprising with all the attractions we can afford
Lots of our youngsters keep complaining that they are bored.

Is it that they have now acquired a short attention span?
Or the devices they are engrossed in are not very challenging
But they are somehow able to be in contact with many friends
But this is electronically not the warmth of a physical presence

But people too believe that and this is so terrible
That for their state of mind some other is responsible
But we all know that daily the sun rises and certainly sets
Even when obscured it still makes that daily trek

So therefore on the day be it bright and sunny or dark and dismal
That has no relevance on what a person's demeanor's portrayal
So therefore if the person does not have the capability to seize that opportunity
Then there will be that resignation to a life of misery

Parent too should make that effort in the type of preparation
Since they were around first should know the demand of the situation
Try to get their children to be rounded and embrace training and education
So that they may be prepared to fit into any available occupation

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