The greatest independence in mankinds life
Is when they except the Lord Jesus Christ
Our Nation is in need of a great revival
With washing of the Word by reading the Bible
Taking to heart the scripture 2 Chron.7:14
His plan for every man and nation to esteem
As well as Joshua 1:8 and Matthew 6:33
Above all picking up our cross and following Him daily
The Gospel and Good News is Christ and Him Crucified
Victory,sanctification,consecration comes by Faith in
His Sacrifice
The Cross is being replaced with humanistic psychology
The foundation is the Cross and remains for Christianity
There's no manmade plan that brings us Victory
There's Power in the blood and always will be
Trusting in anything else brings self righteousness
When our righteousness is trusting Jesus' finished
work at the Cross
I couldn't count the times believe is in the Word
Yet religion and false doctrine turns man to works
Freedom will only come when we trust what Jesus done
God's PERFECT sacrifice His Only begotten Son
My prayer today is God will bless America again
Our only works should be to obey His Word given
To love one another for love covers a multitude of sin
Jesus said if He be lifted up He would draw all men unto Him
God bless our brave soldiers that fights for our freedoms
Sad to say the biggest battle is in the minds of man
If God and His Word be removed and His laws changed
Is there any hope for this once God fearing nation?
Happy Independance Day!
I pray none never take it for granted!
God bless you and be safe today!
Lovingly In Christ; Pastor Linda
July 4th,2013