Poetic Verses

Other Culture

It is always good for those people who have that notion
When they are planning or considering travelling or relocation
To garner as much as they can any type of information
About the country the will be point of that intended destination

So that when there they may be prepared for things that would be peculiar          
That should be a great deviation from their respective countries and culture
Because what in that domain may be deemed to be quite offensive
In the new country will be surprise that the people are more receptive

Picture a person coming into a country that has laws on sexual harassment
But has left one where there is hugging and paying of visual compliments
So going to work and forgetting that such in quite unacceptable
Will resort to parochial doings and will be some very deep trouble

As one will realize now that lots of nations are now cosmopolitan
Because some countries have a multiplicities of nationalities within them
And so there is that high diversity of cultures in the simmering melting pot
So this even now makes that introduction an even more testing shot

So too now a person coming as an immigrant may now be in conundrum
There are places where motion with a finger in order to call someone
But to some people of certain culture this may be so revolting
Because that look on the face will depict that of disgust and very insulting

So families too on both sides must prepare their children
As they may be surrounded by diversity of culture facing them
And it is better to be understanding, aware and not be disapproving
Because they too will have patterns that to others may be puzzling

Hence this exposure other cultures is a form of education
This is an added module to the increasing volume of life lesson          
So as people move around extending the walls of this institution
One can only that respect and understanding will be the outcome

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