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The Old Address Book

dying trees photo: More Hills dreary_hills2.jpg
She sat quietly looking through her address book
Although she had stored names in her computer and cell phone
This was not enough
She wanted to hold on to her address book
It had become part of her history
There were numerous names
Relatives, friends, and long time acquaintances
She never removed names from her address book
Looking through her address book carefully
Page after page
She suddenly realized
That she still had her uncle's name and address listed
Why hadn't she removed
His name from her address book
As she turned more pages
She noticed there were others who should have been removed
She started to put a mark or an X by the names of those no longer living
Some old, some gone too soon before their time
It suddenly occurred to her
That someday
Some one would go through an address book and put an X by her name
If not from an address book she simply would be deleted

ŠJuly 14, 2013 Janet Irene Griffin

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