The Unfairness Of Angels
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Like two bricks cemented to my head
not painful just pressing against the temple
The ruins of a once glorious palace
where peace and wisdom flourished
now only a Grey chill remains

Like walking a road, endless and worn
Wearing iron boots, chained to each-other
stamping it's footprint
into a once blossoming boutique of flowers
Now only mud remains

A shell of a body, but no sea air
whistles from its curling lips
no mystery or vast wonder
no crashing waves
Only emptiness and solitude

A backpack of worries and endless questions
all with the same answer, impossible to know
but all seem to point to the same outcome
NO Hope remains

Like the ancient bare tree
whose winters have seen too many
so much death and decay
No birds make life in his branches
Only the silhouette remains

of a man who once was

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