I still recall the waves of shock
When I realized the news
Flashing across the TV set
Was not meant to amuse!
Wasn't fantasy or fiction...
Not some play or movie plot.
I almost lost my bearings
When I found out it was not.
My husband's face had fallen...
Unbelieving eyes bulged out!
His anguished cry convinced me...
Wiped away my every doubt.
TV screen went black with smoke!
It colored all the air!
Good Morning America was on.
I could only stand and stare.
Yes, America had been attacked!
The confirmation came
When the second plane succeeded
To carry out this cruel game!
But wait! More breaking news!
We wondered what was going on.
For still another plane or bomb
Had plunged into the Pentagon!
The president has been informed,
I heard the media say...
It seems war has been declared
Upon the USA!
While in a Pennsylvania field
Another plane went down!
Its target had been detoured
Brave men turned it around.
I felt a prayer form on my lips
As my knees hit the floor.
We watched CNN for months...
Wondering what could be in store.
Some still believe it's over...
Some say it's far from being done.
Must America keep facing fear
Of yet another nine-one-one?
We can only put our trust
In the Lord of Liberty.
The One who blessed America
Still wants to keep her free.
But America has to repent...
Has to ask God to return.
To places which have banned Him...
The schools and courts must learn
We still need God to guide us.
We can't make it on a whim.
Yes, the flag still stands for freedom.
But what is freedom without Him?
He provides our very breath
He offers life when life is done
He loved us so supremely
That He sacrificed His Son!
But we've got to stop aborting
The helpless babies sent to us!
We've got to learn to love again...
We've got to learn to trust.
God will meet our every need
If we just learn to obey.
The Bible is a promise Book.
It promises to lead The Way
To everlasting joy, to hope,
And to life eternally.
It is only through the Son of God
That one is truly free.
People, let's return to prayer...
Give God back His proper place.
As we recall this tragedy,
Let's stop to seek our Savior's face.
God Bless America,
(C)Doris Jacobs-Covington ~~Dedicated to the People of the USA~~
"I will instruct you and teach you
in the way you should go. I will
counsel you and watch over you says
the Lord."
Psalm 32:8
"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your
miracles of long ago...your path
led through the sea, your way through
the mighty waters, though your foot
prints were not seen."
Psalm 77:11-19
"Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I
will hear," says the Lord.
Isaiah 65:24
But God Gives Us Beauty For Ashes~quote by Pastor Linda Begley