Poetic Verses

That Mistake

What a very heated debate this can definitely create
When it comes to some people owning up to a mistake
As to some this demonstrates a feeling of a form of inadequacy
Or too to make this may show to others some type of idiocy

So there will be the embarking on some form of a cover-up
Hoping that over time this will bring some closure to that flop
Believing now that this have be a way to avoid any feeling of shame
But as a back up there will be that tendency to on someone place the blame

Who really comes to mind when one is talking about this situation
Is those guys who we tend to revere these are the one name a politician
When something happened on his watch that seems very unpleasant
One can bet this will be placed squarely on the shoulder of the opponent

Then this can even get even better take a look at the one who is a minister
The one who seems so omniscient on all type of systems and any other matter
But when something happens no matter how small and this is a fact
This is conveniently placed in the domain of and the blame is on those technocrats

Even today in a world supposedly filled with all types of experts
There is evasion and the responsibility gets passed around that it hurts
For every situation there will be promulgating some form of theory
Because there is not effort to deal with the situation in any way assertively

So next time be it at work or elsewhere there is any type of mistake
Be bold enough to admit it this will avoid the turmoil it may create
It may in the process show up some faults in the very system
Now exposed effort can be then made to find a way to fix them.

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