
My Bag and a Flag

              My Bag and a Flag         October 27, 2013

I'm sitting on a Greyhound coach heading for my dream
I have one bag and my Irish flag, well that's the way things seem
I left my mother country sadly, I had to say goodbye
Go for it young man, I can still see my father cry
The Big Apple waits, I'm alive and feeling good
No more unemployment, good times ahead for this Irish dude
The hills and the shamrock are now in my past
This new boy in town, I hope this will last
I have a little refreshment from my secret things
My bag is my back up with my cure for the day
I just can't believe this, I'm on my way
I'll be walking with freedom this American day
Some day in the future I'll go back to my home
I'll visit mother with thoughts of her own
I'm sitting on a Greyhound coach heading for my dream
I have one bag and my Irish flag, well that's the way it seems

Gerrard McGeachy

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