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 From the Heart Through the Pen

Music speaks volumes
I swear the 808s 
Are my pulse
Though they are soothing
They just remind me I'm alive
And as long as this is true
I can remember what hurts the most
Cause I'm still without you
I can still see your face
As clear as yesterday
Your glasses slightly crooked
With your beautiful smile
I can still remember the convo 
Between Mike and I 
As clear as yesterday
I knew I wanted to ask you to marry me
You called me your Tunji
Pointed out the triangle I have on my cheek
I called you my So So aka Mz. Sexay
I wish I could show you how much you meant to me
I let silliness get in between us
I remember as clear as yesterday
** Dec 200?
Wiping off the "happy birthday" from my car
All you wanted was to show how much you care
I let what others might think interfere
Never had I been such a tool
Now I'm left writing all throughout FHTP
About how I'm such a fool
That started what just about sealed our relationships demise
But I was too dumb too realize
I was Losing You
Fast forward a couple years
I remember as clear as yesterday 
I finally had you back in my embrace
Finally able to see your oh so beautiful face (my So So)
You say you remember my scent
I swear our journey was heaven sent
Or should I say to be meant
Alas, eventually you say you can't really have anything
To do with me
I remember as clear as yesterday
Never has my heart shattered in three
Billion pieces
And I cannot say it's you I blame
For I was the first to drag us through the flames
It's been roughly 8 yrs 
I have no regrets in this soon to be 34 yrs
But that's not a fact on which I boast
In fact, if I ever were to have one
Losing You before I could find you
I'd say that'd have to be pretty close
¥☼MOI☼¥  15 Dec 13

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