Passionate nights...
Will take you to heavenly heights...
Endorphin fuelled juicy flights...
Will drive your engine...
As you cross Dales...
Upon green fields...
Of Stratford-Upon-Avon...
Is the place to be...
To experience dramatic Shakespearean plays...
As butterfly's reach up to the sky...
Poking you in the right eye...
How utterly divine...
Uffington Castle...
Has a postal parcel...
All wrapped up...
For the White Horse galloping service...
To give you a Hernia...
In modern suburbia...
Ramsbury Bottom...
Is very nearly forgotten...
As Wilton...
Turns up its windy windmill...
Giving everybody a thrill...
Has loads...
Of colourful rounded marbles.
All stacked up...
In a pyramid of learning...
For the more discerning...
As Ogbourne Maizey...
Will drive you crazy...
In your sweaty blazer.
Travel from Burbage...
To Pewsey...
Across the winding road...
To Alton Barnes will do you no harm...
Stimulate the mind...
With smelly cheese...
And vintage wine...
At the Tawny Owl...
Into the early moon-lite hours...
Just like cats...
On their nocturnal nightly prowls...
View the strawberry tarts...
At Sally Pussy's Inn...
If you want to sin...
With your after-dinner...
Chocolate pepper-mints...
Or give your lover...
A Kiss...
With an instant mobile text...
Just before you jump into bed...
Make sure it is not with Fred...
Who farts in the dark...
With loads of electrical sparks...
Romeo and Juliet...
Looked just as kinky...
In their black studded...
Gothic stiletto heals...
From Zeals...
As they sat...
On the balcony in Verona...
Eating hot and spicy...
Garlic sausages.
Freshly squeezed oranges juice...
From fleshy vulva oyster shells...
Floating inside your Italian lagonda...
Speak out...
These passionate words below...
To those that enjoy...
The fruits of the vine...
Give's everybody...
Who's ever loved you...
A heartwarming...
Luscious Lips...

The Kiss

The simple kiss is the spice of life...
Swollen pulsating wet lips magnetize to wards each other...
Eyes locked upon each other in laser precision...
Octupussy arms entwined in swirling passionate embraces...
Blended dust devils playing in the mid-day scorching sun...
Voluptuous bodies...
Engaged in spiral vortices's of spinning whirlpools...
As they melt into each others lips...
Heartbeats drumming to the beats of every love song.
Flowing from the caves of delights...
Comes endorphin's drunk with desire to move you higher...
Tranquil eyes...
Reflecting a thousand burning suns of a simple passionate kiss...
The humble kiss...
Is the spice of life!


A tous ceux qui ont goûté au fruit de la vigne
Le baiser simple est le piment de la vie !
Les lèvres enflées, humides, palpitantes magnétisent les êtres,
Les poussent violemment les uns vers les autres.
Les yeux fermés, ils se rapprochent, s'ajustent
Avec une précision digne d'un rayon de laser.
Leurs bras entrelacés, tels des tentacules d'une pieuvre,
Se tordent sous leurs embrassements passionnés.
Les démons du désir s'unissent à la poussière brûlante
Et dansent au milieu du jour flamboyant.
Comme leurs corps voluptueux,
Entraînés dans les spirales vertigineuses
Des tourbillons de la passion,
Fusionnent chaque fois que leurs lèvres se touchent !
Les battements de leurs cœurs marquent
Le rythme de chaque chanson d'amour !
Jaillissant des profondeurs des cavernes du plaisir
Vient vers eux l'enivrante endorphine
Qui les incite à monter encore et encore plus haut !
Les yeux calmes reflètent des milliers
De soleils brûlants enfouis dans un simple baiser passionné.
Oui ! L'humble baiser est le piment de la vie !

Translated into French by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy
Copyright Hud 2007-2014 Writer/Poet/Philosopher.

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