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 Poems of Hope and Peace

The struth and the truth
Went for a walk in the park
They had to stop and ask
If a carrot could see for them in the dark

The struth asked the truth
Where's the nearest phone booth
I dont know said the truth mabey ask that giant pear
But along came a grizzly big bear

Alizierles grapes and ferns
Came by the struth and the truth to learn

Still it was nearly dorn light
They hadn't from the bear given up the good fight

Along came an owl who was wise
He said follow the truth it will be a surprise

Then came the potatoe who was in grief and not free
He said struth why me
The truth said take heart follow me through
The potatoe bowed and i said i will too

Now all the characters arrived at the beach
Excitement was now at reach

They had made their way through
The end of the story for me and for YOU!

Michelle lee Bevan

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