In fulfillment of prophecy (Isaiah 62:11 & Zechariah 9:9), Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds lined the street shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." (Psalm 118:25-26) They placed palm branches and robes in front of Jesus. This was particularly disturbing to the religious leaders who were jealous of Jesus. They demanded that Jesus silence the crowd, but he responded that even if the crowd were silent, the stones would cry out.
The events of the next week would forever change the world. Jesus entered Jerusalem and the crowd welcomed him as a king. By the end of the week they were demanding his death. His followers abandoned him in fear. None of his close followers had really understood the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week until after Jesus returned. They had all expected Jesus to be an earthly king, but God had given them something so much better – an open door into a Kingdom that would never end.
~author unknown~
Palm Sunday, in the Christian calendar is the Sunday before Easter, sixth and last Sunday in Lent, and the first day of Holy Week. Palm Sunday this year is celebrated on Sunday,
April 17th of 2011...
The other important days of Holy Week include:
Palm Sunday – Jesus enters Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday – The Last Supper and betrayal.
Good Friday – The arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus.
Easter Sunday – The day Jesus rose from the grave.
Video/Significance of Palm Sunday
by Jen Curran
Palm Sunday is the Christian holy day that always falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It is also the beginning of the Holy Week. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem in the days leading up to his Passion. According to Wikipedia, the Passion are the events and the suffering that took place in the hours leading up to Jesus' trial and crucifixion.
The Palm Sunday story goes that Jesus was visiting friends and family in Bethany and Bethphage and He asked two of His disciples to go to the next village and bring back a donkey that was tied up to a post, but had not been ridden. He told the two men that, if someone should ask them, they should say that the Lord needs the donkey but that it will be returned to them. It is said that the disciples put their cloaks on the donkey's back to make it more comfortable for Jesus.
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on the donkey, the people laid cloaks and palm leaves before Him. They believed he was the earthly, Anointed king and that He would take up His throne in Jerusalem. They sang to Him, "Hosanna," which means "Save us."