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How We Loved Lucy!

It wasn't much fun to be sick as a child.
I'm sure you would agree.
One thing, however, made it worthwhile:

Morning reruns of I LOVE LUCY
Were a daily must.
And if the TV was out of order?
Oh, no! That was a bust!

How many years we watched Lucy,
Well, it's hard to say.
I watched her up through my high school years;
But I'd even watch her today.

Every summer morning and every
Winter and spring vacation
Meant a daily dose of Lucy.
We watched with utter elation.

So what if we'd seen a particular show
Ten times in the past.
Each time watching I LOVE LUCY
Was just as fun as the last.

Watching her get into a jam
In every episode
Was exactly what we looked forward to--
And then watching Ricky explode.

Just the look on Lucy's face
Was all that it would take
To make us all break out in laughter--
So much that our stomachs would ache.

There was Vitameatavegamin
Or Lucy stomping on grapes
Or Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory;
The two were always in scrapes.

It didn't matter how silly the plot--
How corny, how dumb or inane--
Laughing at Lucy would lighten the heart.
Who needed food for the brain?

If there was a snag, Lucy would find it
And chaos would ensue.
And once the cat was out of the bag,
She had some "splaining" to do.

We knew the plots backwards and forwards;
We knew the dialogue by heart.
But that didn't matter; we would still laugh
As Lucy's schemes fell apart.

We owe a lot to Lucy and friends.
There's a lot to be said
About growing up laughing at Lucy and Ricky,
And don't forget Ethel and Fred.


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