
Dreams of To-Morrow

Dreams of To-Morrow              December 16, 2014
We share the road together with a vision and a dream
We walk hand in hand, we'll let the world know what we mean
We can find a new to-morrow with peace in our land
No borders, just freedom, a united Ireland
We'll remember the ones before us, every single one
With our constitution and civil rights, our new day has begun
No more we'll find our friends have gone to Ireland in the sky
We'll see the children laughing, no teardrops in their eye
We'll walk our streets with our head held high
Never again to bend our knee and ask our lord above why?
Freedom is Ireland where many heroes lie
They played their part for freedom now sleep under an Irish sky
Our children will live like other lands with dreams of a new to-morrow
Laughter with a future, goodbye to hate and sorrow
From the tiny streets of Ireland to the highway of freedoms way
I love my friends in Ireland, peace is here to stay
We share the road together with a vision and a dream
We walk hand in hand, we'll let the world know what we mean

Gerrard McGeachy

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