Poetic Feelings

48,051 poems read



Almighty God created a marvel called man,
Who was the very personification of perfection;
None of his senses nor systems had any flaws,
Due to the majestic wisdom of his creator's laws;
His Father blessed him with the magnificent right,
Of studying the animal creation both day and night;
Habits of each species during their regular routines,
Helped him name the groups as he took in the scenes;
Almighty God lovingly created the man a mate,
The one thing he did not have until that date;
Man's perfect body produced this beautiful creature,
Like the man she was perfect in every feature;
God made the couple with love and tender care,
They were forever to be an affectionate happy pair;
Spread their beautiful garden into an earthly paradise
Along with all their children. God's laws were precise;
They disobeyed God's commandment--did he burn them in hell?
Crush fulfillment of the purpose he'd planned so well?
Are we to believe that our creator has a loving heart?
Or that he's been a heartless monster from the very start?
God said to the man, "From dust you are, to dust you will return."
Nowhere did he indicate to him that, "You will eternally burn."

So are we to believe that sinners are to fry non-stop forever?
According to the Bible we are not. Not now. Not ever!


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