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 Grandeur Of Melancholy      18284 Poems Read

The Sun Knew Wise

It was as if the Sun was in the Moon.
All the stars dissappear as they do.
But so do you.

In life I seemed to have all the answers.
But I have no answers.

I walked a road that had no questions.

Sand and grain.
One time.
Two times.
Three times.
Many more.

It is only sand
and Sun nothing
more but we do.

But the Sun knew wise
or wisdom beyond the
times, or the hallucinations
seem less raving than you did.

I suppose we come
to realize the Sun shines
down upon you,
as bright as it can.

Maybe you can soak those in.

Just get this past all the walls
of fever pitched ideas.

Good sense, right 
judgement, decent
mind, the sun knew wise.

Just decide it
is like you to
make it back
to what was
your firey truth.

Even if they are lies.
Love them once and for all.
Be you in the Sun for this is your time.

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