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 Poetic Feelings

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When Sheila was born I was seven years old,
With four brothers she was like a gift of gold;
When she was old enough we shared a bedroom,
Her sweet little voice saved me many nights of gloom;
I was sad and depressed during my early teens,
I couldn't understand why Daddy was so mean;
I used to talk to little Sheila late at night,
She didn't understand but it seemed to be all right;
To have her to unload all the heavy things on my mind,
I never stopped to think I was being unkind
To my little pet who looked up to me and loved me so much,
I wish I'd just held her, kissed her, gave her face a soft touch;
We've been through lots of trials together over the years,
Shared lots and lots of laughter and many, many tears;
Struggled with our siblings and their various troubles,
Then there were our husbands. Trouble in doubles;
Daddy died a horrible death caused by a freak accident,
We have a brother in the pen where he should've never been sent;
Our sister a victim of homicide, one brother shot in the head,
Whether suicide or an accident, the point is he's dead;
Sheila and I are sharing a rather challenging event right now,
Sometimes it seems we can't make it but we keep trying anyhow;
I do believe we'll make it because we're holding on to each other,
We're doing it to make a strong support for our dear mother

Because she needs us.

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