Fly on the wall...
With camcorder has recorded every lustful detail of a sexual encounter...
Fly on the wall...
Falls off sweaty wall still holding camcorder...
Trying to get the best possible artistic views...
Fly on the wall...
Hits floor and bounces onto beautiful woman's butt still holding camcorder...
Fly thinks!
This is the best-damned view in the house...
Roman God of sexual desire...
Flips exotic Greek Goddess onto arched back...
Passions glow as juices flow...
Fly slides off beautiful woman's butt..
Through the wet passion pit of desires...
Into fluffy belly button...
Wow!..What a roller coaster ride for a wet juicy fly...
Fly has panoramic views of the mountainous uplands and the very hot sweaty lowlands...
Fly intends...
To tell all fly friends with camcorders to occupy all fluffy belly buttons...
Fly on the wall...
Hits the floor once more as the camcorder is bounced off my head...
You better have a good explanation, as my wife jumps out of bed...
You are so dead, she said, go and play in your shed...
Off I go into my shed with a lump on my head...
Spider sitting in her web...
I see you have a camcorder attached to your head...
Be my fly on the wall she said...
I will spin you round and round into a sexy silk compound until you howl...
I will sink my sharp fangs into your sexual flesh, just in jest, she said!
Your desires will be moved higher & higher...
As your camcorder records your every sexual desire...
Trust me said the spider to the fly!
It is in my nature to mate, but don't leave it to late...
As my belly aches and I need intake!
Sitting on the black widows arched belly...
I'm spun round and round into a sexy silk compound.
Her sharp fangs sinking deep into my sexual desires...
Sucking every last sexual lust from my bust!
Fly on the wall...
Falls to the ground once more...
As the camcorder records my demise as a lustful fly...
This better be good...
Said my wife in a black widows hood and silky white gloves...
Never mess with my magic desires or I will turn you into an eternal fire with burning lustful desires...
Spinnerets gently rubbing my lumpy head trying to drain my pain!
You are a slave to my Pheromone hooks and that's without my beautiful good looks...
Falling to the floor once more...
With lead fishing weights around my neck...
My wife gives me a left hook...
Sending me all the way to Tobruk.
You are so... dead, she said, as she kicks me out of bed...
Camcorder falls to the floor...
Never...never to work anymore...
While listening to music from the Doors.
What applause!
From the dance floor...
On how to light my fire with sexual desires...
With fifty shades of the Day...
As my tongue licks...
Your artistic pearly vajazzle...
With orchestral maneuvers in the dark...
Coming to play inside your forbidden park...
Must have hit my head really hard...
Dreamt of being such a Lustfull Fly...
Could have sworn blind...
This was not in my minds eye...
As Camcorders never lie!
Fly on the wall...
Does like to fly...
Through silky wet passion-pits...
Salty Creampies for tea...
Will make you howl with glee...
As you pick out...
The fluff...
In your deep seated belly-button...
For all to see...
Thank God...
This was just a daydream...
Strange tiny Fang marks...
On My rather lumpy head...
Sipping my piping hot herbal tea...
Upon my duck filled duvet feathered bed...
With a hint...
Of strong garlic aroma's permeating the air...
I look out...
Upon my panaramic sea-views...
A wooden three mast sailing ship...
With a female carved figurehead...
Freeflowing windswept long blond hair...
Bayan Sight cat-o'-nine tails...
Whipping the sailors riggings...
Into shipshaped & Bristol fashion...
Leaving the harbour of Whitby Bay!
A full square rigger afloat...
Strangely without...
Any living souls on-board...
Just some very large brass & oak shackled chests...
Upon her empty decks...

Copyright Hud 2015-2016 All rights reserved worldwide.

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