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 JANET'S PLANET      468390 Poems Read


Looking out my kitchen window
On this bright sunny day
I see a baby squirrel
Scampering and scurrying
Preparing for winter
Even he knows the season
There is a season for everything
Your season has come and gone
Death quietly stole you
As I look out my kitchen window
Across the green
I see the little orange leaf tree
Standing all alone
Once vibrant, bursting with color
Finally losing its leaves
I captured it in its beauty
It too knows the season
On this beautiful Autumn day
I see a blue jay
Pecking at the ground
As the colorful leaves
Fall silently to the ground
No sound, silence
Hushed silence fills the air
I miss your music, your noise
Your footsteps loud and clear
As I reach out to you in this season
I know you have reaped your harvest
Setting back time
I'll go to each room in the house
Setting the time back one hour
Thinking of you all the time
If I could, I would set time back
To all of our yesterdays
You will no longer set time back
For your time is set for an eternity.

İOctober 31, 2015 Janet Irene Griffin
In loving dedication to my husband, my friend, and soul mate. Our music will never die.

Every moment in time touches every other moment in time, and in that there is a much deeper sense of responsibility, and that comes back to relationship. Relationship over time, or kinship over time. We're akin to what happened in the past, we're akin to what's going to happen in the future.

- Stan Rushworth -

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