John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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Today, its. Going. To. Be. A. Challenge. For--ME
as im feeling, as exhausted, as can --BE

Today, --its ---going-to be--a challenge for--ME
as, im feeling, very tierd, with, very low, --ENERGY

So, im just here,writing this- little --POEM
before--, i -get- on -over -to -my,--24--  hour gym, on my--OWN

So just --dont have the energy, to get up and out, and about this moment, in -TIME
Even though, its --0715--in the morning, with already, bright beautiful, beaming, --SUNSHINE

Today, its going to be a real, challenge---for--ME
but, i know,my mission, in my mind, i gotta keep, on. A. Keeping. On. pushing, to from-- this -over-- weight,- set -myself -FREE

So --im--just-- writing this -short-- and - simple---little--- POEM
before i head over to the gym for-- my -first -work -out -on -my --OWN

Yesterday-, i -was _there, _three _times -___0800-to1000-__-then-__1500-to--1700--__-then-1915--to--2015-_---so-now, -im-- just slowly getting ready to go on my --WAY
getting ready--,to--start--slowly-- but -sure, -in -a -little -bit -here,-- ANYWAY

With my mission, in my --MIND
i gotta keep on a keeping on a trying, and--renewed -- energy, --commitment --drive --and --resolve,-- come--to --FIND

You--cant--reach --the --mountain--top,-- in--one-- huge --LEEP
day--after --day, --hour --after --hour, --minute --by --minute, --breath --by--breath--, moment --by --moment--, --persistance--, preserverence,-- strength --stamina--, and-- endurance, --with--an--iron--will --to --SUCCEED--you --gotta --FAITHFULLY--STEADFASTLY--go-- on --and --on, -- and --POSITIVELY---KEEP

By john d jungers

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Today. Its. Going--To. Be. A. Challenge. For. Me