John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,772,752 poems read

great inspiration, to me and for me it represents

Sometimes life seems so dreary, cloudy, with no break in the sky
but then out of the blue on my poetrypoem feed back i recieve a compliment, and it makes me feel great and sky high

This poetry site, its amazing i feel
how the--POETS-- and --writers --write poetry and stories, and are so genuine, authentic terrific loving -honest-and --real

A poet, writes their--true-- heart- feelings -in -rhyme --rhythm--reason--and --verse
usually kind, caring, compassionate, faithful, and loving -without- meaness- angyness- or -curse

Any poem that you choose to read
to peace, love, serenity and faith and HOPE--, on this site will usually lead

But -any--poet, they each and everyone have there very own style---- authentic --and -- real
and a true poet writes from the very  heart just exactly how they feel

And i just think that is pretty cool
and its encouraging to give back at least ten more feedbacks to ten other writers when you recieve one, is my general rule

If no feedbacks you recieve
then no other feedbacks to other writers do you leave

I guess thats just human nature and the selfishness in us
but even if we dont recieve one feedback from anyone,we know we should-- REACH--out in love and give others positive encouraging and loving feedback to--all at our very, very-- best, --as --we-know-we-- must-and--to--reach--out--with--great--love--and--trust

Sometimes in our life living and love, when not a compliment we recieve
sadness and lowness and alone with despair in us it leaves

A few simple --few--kind words to another
can uplift another greater than any other

So as this simple poem that i now write
i hope my simple words can encourage some others to send some kind, caring uplifting, loving FEEDBACKS, to others here on this poetrypoem ---SITE--------------and every where you go today in your life, --living,-and--love--- make a difference, to another----BRILLIANTLY--and--BRIGHT--with--whatever--kindness-to--another--you--say--or--do--or--in--a--feedback--here--at--poetrypiem--write

By john d jungers
23rd of september 2016

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