John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,764,053 poems read

Disrespect, now, i will stand my ground, and i will tolerate it from, not, --ANYONE

My--MOTIVATION--and--POSITIVE--MOMENTUM, now is solid, as a rock, and firmly, in --PLACE
Not from,--ANYONE--ANYMORE--ANYTIME--in my life, living, and, love, will i tolerate, suck it up, play the game, and be --SHUNED--PUT--DOWN, or--DISGRACED

I will stand tall, courageous, and brave, and stand up to fight, for myself, and take care of my--HEALTH--as--my--WEALTH--SECOND--to--NONE

To play the game, i will do it--NO--MORE
I will be straight to the point, for absolute--SURE

Those who wish to Disk me, and gaff me, off shaming and shuning me, and putting me--DOWN
My old self confidence, in myself and my strength, stamina, and endurance, has been--RE-FOUND

So with--STRENGH---COMMITMENT---and---RESOLVE, i will stand firm, and--FIGHT--The--GOOD--FIGHT
And be honest, sincere, loving, honest and true, and say and do, what in my heart, i know, is--RIGHT

My--POSITIVE--MOTIVATION,--and--MOMENTUM, solid as a ROCK, is now, in--PLACE
Now with my--MISSION--and--my--QUEST--with--NEW--GOALS--to--STRIVE --and--THRIVE--to--ACHIEVE--i--TODAY--at--twelve--oh--one--noon, on this 16th day of DECEMBER, --BEGIN---A--NEW--the--RACE

By john d JUNGERS
16th of December 2016

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