John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,774,658 poems read

Many AMERICANS--living--and--working--ABROAD
Do not , quickly, agree on, or get in line with the hasty decisions being --done and made in the WHITE, house and cheerfully --proudly--welcomingly--APLAUD

People are saying, that they feel--- ASHAMED---, to be an AMERICAN
With whats going on and happening, planned, and tweeted, and unmanned, as united with justice for ALL--we --do-- not-- no --longer---PROUDLY--FAIRLY-- For --justice-- for --all---PROUDLY--AMERICANLY---STAND

So far, that this newly elected PRESIDENT, is coming, to sadly, and dangerously, the world over sarcastingly, defiantly, arrogantly, boligerantly, famously, coming to --REPRESENT

May God Bless AMERICA, the land of the FREE
With peace, love and hope, with liberty and justice for all,--- AMERICANS, ---from every corner of this diverse world,---in--every--clime--and--place---- with ---JUSTICE-- for --ALL--- YOU-- and ---ME

By john d jungers
10 th of february 2017

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